
Friday, September 19, 2014

Banksy Vandal Sentenced to Pay Restitution or Face Jail Time

This week, a California man plead guilty to charges that he defaced works painted by Banksy in Park City, Utah. David William Noll, 36, can avoid jail time by paying $13,000 USD in restitution before November — the amount property owners felt forced to shell out in order to protect and restore the elusive street artist’s vandalized Angel Boy and Cameraman & Flower murals. While Noll cited his bipolar disorder as the reason behind the alleged crime, claiming he barely even remembers the events, Summit County Attorney David Brickey felt otherwise, citing YouTube videos that Noll posted about the vandalism and his apparent existence as a failed artist frustrated with the acclaim surrounding Banksy. Noll is currently on probation for vandalizing various Banksy works in Los Angeles as well.
Both Angel Boy and Cameraman & Flower were completed back in 2010 during the Sundance Film Festival when the acclaimed documentary Exit Through The Gift Shop made its debut.

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