
Friday, June 28, 2013

Do it for the people!

Traver Dodorye speaks on what encourages him to keep striving in the art industry. When art took an affect on his life at the age of 16 or 17 Traver speaks on how he could never imagine it would mean so much to him as it's meaning today. "It is a cultural thing for me, I do it for my peoples. One kings dream is not to leave earth with anything but what you leave behind is the most important thing. Will what you leave behind be temporary? Will it be millions of dollars or art that will make history after death. Sometime I do sit back and wonder after I past will I become famous but as of chasing fame that is not my goal. I do what I love and people respect that." Traver speaks on a quote he saw online about his inspiration Jean Michel Basquiat "In an age of limitless options and limiting fears, he still makes poems and paintings to evoke his world". Mr. Dodorye says he feels like people live life in fear of becoming successful and let the economy and obstacles in life hold them back, "you can't let them take your dream it's equivalent  to letting them take your soul!"

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